Mercer C., V.M. Comeau, L.D. Daniels and M. Carrer. (2022) Contrasting impacts of climate warming on coastal old-growth tree species reveal an early warning of forest decline. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 4:775301.
Gamal El-Dien, O., Shalev, T. J., Yuen, M. M. S., Stirling, R., Daniels, L. D., Breinholt, J. W., Neves, L. G., Kirst, M., Van der Merwe, L., Yanchuk, A. D., Ritland, C., Russell, J. H., & Bohlmann, J. (2022). Genomic selection reveals hidden relatedness and increased breeding efficiency in western redcedar polycross breeding. Evolutionary Applications 15: 1291–1312.
Dickson-Hoyle, S., R. Ignace, M, Ignace, S. Hagerman, L.D. Daniels and K. Copes-Gerbitz. (2022). Walking on two legs: a pathway of Indigenous restoration and reconciliation in fire-adapted landscapes. Restoration Ecology 30: e13445
Arkin, J., N.C. Coops, L.D. Daniels and A. Plowright. (2022). A novel post-fire method to estimate individual tree crown scorch height and volume using simple RPAS-derived data. Fire Ecology 19: 1-12.
Qi, Y., N.C. Coops, L.D. Daniels and C.R. Butson. (2022) Assessing the effects of burn severity on post-fire tree structures using the fused drone and mobile laser scanning point clouds. Frontiers in Environmental Science 10:949442.
Hoffman K.M., Christianson A.C., Gray R. and Daniels L.D. (2022). Western Canada’s new wildfire reality needs a new approach to fire management. Environmental Research Letters: 7: 061001
Qi, Y., N.C. Coops, L.D. Daniels and C.R. Butson. (2022) Comparing tree attributes derived from quantitative structure models based on drone and mobile laser scanning point clouds across varying canopy cover conditions. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 192: 49-65.
Copes-Gerbitz, K., Daniels, L.D. and Hagerman, S. M. (2022) The contribution of Indigenous stewardship to an historical mixed-severity fire regime in British Columbia, Canada. Ecological Applications: 33:1 e2736
Copes-Gerbitz, K., S.M. Hagerman and L.D. Daniels. (2022) Transforming fire governance in British Columbia, Canada: an emerging vision for coexisting with fire. Regional Environmental Change 22: 48.
Baron, J.N., S.E. Gergel, P.F. Hessburg, and L.D. Daniels. (2022). A century of transformation: Fire regime transitions from 1919 to 2019 in southeastern British Columbia, Canada. Landscape Ecology.
Margolis, E.Q., C.H. Guiterman and 85 others (including L.D. Daniels, R.D. Chavardès, K. Copes-Gerbitz, C.E. Naficy, K.M. Hoffman). (2022) The North American tree-ring fire-scar network. Ecosphere 13:7 e4159
Kitchens, K., L. Peng, L.D. Daniels, and A.L. Carroll. (2022) Patterns of infestation by subcortical insects (Coleoptera: Buprestidae, Cerambycidae) after widespread wildfires in mature Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) forests. Forest Ecology and Management 513 (1): 120203.
Kitchens, K., L. Peng, L.D. Daniels, and A.L. Carroll. (2022) Patterns of infestation by subcortical insects (Coleoptera: Buprestidae, Cerambycidae) after widespread wildfires in mature Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) forests. Forest Ecology and Management 513 (1): 120203.
Copes-Gerbitz, K., S. Dickson-Hoyle, S. Ravensbergen, S.M. Hagerman, L.D. Daniels and J. Coutu. (2022) Community engagement with proactive wildfire management in British Columbia, Canada: Perceptions, preferences, and barriers to action. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 5: 829125.
Hoffman, K.M., A.C. Christianson, S. Dickson-Hoyle, K. Copes-Gerbitz, W. Nikolakis, D.A. Diabo, R. McLeod, H.J. Michell, A.A. Mamun, A. Zahara, N. Mauro, J. Gilchrist, R. Myers Ross, and L.D. Daniels. (2022) The right to burn: barriers and opportunities for Indigenous-led fire stewardship in Canada. FACETS 7: 464-481.
Comeau, V.M. and L.D. Daniels. (2022) Multiple divergent patterns in yellow-cedar growth driven by anthropogenic climate change. Climatic Change 170: 22.
Arkin, J., N.C. Coops, L.D. Daniels and A. Plowright. (2022) Canopy and surface fuel estimations using RPAS and ground-based point clouds. Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research cpad020
Leclerc, M.A., L.D. Daniels and A. Carroll. (2021) Managing wildlife habitat: Complex interactions with biotic and abiotic disturbances. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9:613371.
Hagmann, R.K., P.F.Hessburg, S.J. Prichard, N.A. Povak, P.M. Brown, P.Z. Fulé, R.E. Keane, E.E. Knapp, J.M. Lydersen, K.L. Metlen, M.J. Reilly, A.J. Sánchez Meador, S.L. Stephens, J.T. Stevens, A.H. Taylor, L.L. Yocom, M.A. Battaglia, D.J. Churchill, L.D. Daniels, D.A. Falk, P. Henson, J.D. Johnston, M.A. Krawchuk, C.F. Levine, G.W. Meigs, A.G. Merschel, M.P. North, H.D. Safford, T.W. Swetnam, and A.E.M. Waltz. (2021) Evidence for widespread changes in the structure, composition, and fire regimes of western North American forests. Ecological Applications 31: e02431
Chavardès, R.D., L.D. Daniels, B.N.I. Eskelson, and Z. Gedalof. (2020) Using complementary drought proxies improves interpretations of fire histories in montane forests. Tree-Ring Research (A)
Brookes, W., L.D. Daniels, K. Copes-Gerbitz, J.N. Baron and A. Carroll. (2021) A disrupted historical fire regime in central British Columbia. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9:420.
Copes-Gerbitz, K., S. Hagerman and L.D. Daniels (2021) Situating Indigenous knowledge for resilience in fire-dependent social-ecological systems. Ecology and Society 26(4):25.
Comeau, V., L.D. Daniels, and S. Zeglan. (2021) Climate induced yellow-cedar decline on the island archipelago of Haida Gwaii Ecosphere 12(3):e03427. doi10.1002/ecs2.3427
Chavardès R.D., L.D. Daniels, J.E. Harvey, G.A. Greene, H. Marcoux, B.N.I. Eskelson, Z. Gedalof, W. Brookes, R. Kubian, J.D. Cochrane, J.H. Nesbitt, A.M. Pogue, O. Villemaire-Côté, R.W. Gray and D.W. Andison. (2021) Regional drought synchronised historical fires in dry forests of the Montane Cordillera Ecozone, Canada International Journal of Wildland Fire 31: 67-80
Coogan, S.C.P., L.D. Daniels, D. Boychuk, P.J. Burton, M.D. Flannigan, S. Gauthier, V.G. Kafka, J. Park, B.M. Wotton. (2021) Fifty years of wildland fire science in Canada. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 51:283-302.
Daniels, L.D., R.W. Gray and P.J. Burton. (2020) 2017 Megafires in British Columbia - Urgent Need to Adapt and Improve Resilience to Wildfire. In: S.M. Hood, S. Drury, T. Steelman and R. Steffens (eds). Proceedings of the Fire Continuum – preparing for the future of wildland fire, 21-24 May 2018 May, Missoula, MT. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, CO Proceedings RMRS-P-78: 51-62.
Davis, E.L., R. Brown, L.D. Daniels, T. Kavanaugh and Z. Gedalof. 2020. Regional variability in the response of alpine treelines to climate change. Climatic Change 162: 1365–1384.
Comeau,V., L.D. Daniels, R. Chavardès, G. Knochenmus, and S. Zeglan. (2020). Tree-rings reveal accelerated yellow-cedar decline with changes to winter climate after 1980 Forests 10:1085
McLauchlan, K.K., P.E. Higuera, J. Miesel, B.M. Rogers, J.K. Shuman, A.J. Tepley, J.M. Varner, T.T. Veblen, S.A. Adalsteinsson, J.K. Balch, P. Baker, E. Batllori, E. Bigio, P. Brando, M. Cattau, M.L. Chipman, J. Coen, R. Crandall, L.D. Daniels, N. Enright, W.S. Gross, B.J. Harvey, S. Hermann, R.E. Hewitt, L.N. Kobziar, J.B. Landesmann, M.M. Loranty, S.Y. Maezumi, L. Mearns, M. Moritz, J.A. Myers, J.G. Pausas, A.F.A., Pellegrini, W.J. Platt, J. Roozeboom, H. Safford, F. Santos, R.M. Scheller, R.L. Sherriff, K.G. Smith, M.D. Smith, A.C. Watts. 2020. Fire as a fundamental ecological process: research advances and frontiers. Journal of Ecology 108:2047-2069.
Pickell P.D., R.D. Chavardès, S Li, and L.D. Daniels. 2020. FuelNet: An artificial neural network for learning and updating fuel types for fire research. Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 59 (9): 7338-7352. doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2020.3037160
Comeau,V., L.D. Daniels, R. Chavardès, G. Knochenmus, and S. Zeglan. (2020). Tree-rings reveal accelerated yellow-cedar decline with changes to winter climate after 1980 Forests 10:1085
Peterson, K.F., B.N.I. Eskelson, V.J. Monleon, L.D. Daniels (2019). Surface fuel loads following a coastal–transitional fire of unprecedented severity: Boulder Creek fire case study Canadian Journal of Forest Research 48(8): 925-932
Chavardès, R.D., L.D. Daniels, B.N.I. Eskelson, P.D. Pickell (2019). Monthly adaptations of the Drought Code reveal nuanced fire–drought associations in montane forests with a mixed-severity fire regime. International Journal of Wildland Fire 28(6) 445-455
L.D. Daniels (2019). What Can British Columbia Learn from the Californian Wildfires? BC Forest Professional March/April 2019
Hessburg, P.F., C.L. Miller, S.A. Parks, N.A. Povak, A.H. Taylor, P.E. Higuera, S.J. Prichard, M.P. North, B.M. Collins, M.D. Hurteau, A.J. Larson, C.D. Allen, S.L. Stephens, H. RIvera-Huerta, C.S. Stevens-Rumann, L.D. Daniels, Z. Gedalof, R.W. Gray, V.R. Kane, D.J. Churchill, R.K. Hagmann, T.A. Spies, C.A. Cansler, R.R. Belote, T.T. Veblen, MA. Battaglia, C. Hoffman, C.N. Skinner, H.D. Safford and R.B. Salter. (2019). Climate, environment, and disturbance history govern resilience of western North American forests. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7-2019. doi:10.3389/fevo.2019.00239
L.D. Daniels (2019). Wildfires: Causes, Consequences and Coexistence 2019 State of the Mountains Report, Alpine Club of Canada. Volume 2: 4-13.
Arbellay, E., I. Jarvis, R. Chavardes, L.D. Daniels, and M. Stoffel. (2018). Tree-ring proxies of larch bud moth defoliation: latewood width and blue intensity are more precise than tree-ring width Tree Physiology
Daniels, L.D., S.M. Hagerman and S. Ravensbergen (2018). Wildfire Prevention and Fuels Management in the Wildland-Urban Interface: BC Community Perceptions. Report to the Union of BC Municipalities, First Nations’ Emergency Services Society, BC Community Forest Association and BC Wildfire Service. May 2018. 30pp.
Amoroso, M.M., J.H. Speer, L.D. Daniels and 23 others (2018). South American dendroecological fieldweek 2016: Exploring dendrochronological research in northern Patagonia. Tree-Ring Research 74: 120-131
Daniels, L.D., S.M. Hagerman and S. Ravensbergen. (2018). Is your community prepared for wildfire? Branchlines 29(3): 12-13
Bowman, D.M.J.S., L.D. Daniels, F.H. Johnston, G.J.Williamson, W.M. Jolly, S. Magzamen, A.G. Rappold, M. Brauer, S.B. Henderson. (2018). Can air quality management drive sustainable fuels management at the wildland-urban interface? Fire 1, 27
Maclauchlan, L., L.D. Daniels, J.C. Hodge and J.E. Brooks. (2018). Characterization of western spruce budworm outbreak regions in the British Columbia interior. Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Chavardes, R.D., L.D. Daniels, Z. Gedalof, D.W. Andison. (2018). Human influences superseded climate to disrupt the 20th century fire regime in Jasper National Park, Canada. Dendrochronologia 48:10-19.
Amoroso, M.M., L.D. Daniels, and P.J. Baker (2017). Dendroecology: Lessons learned and future frontiers. Pp. 395-400 in Dendroecology: Tree-ring Analyses Applied to Ecological Studie Springer, Ecological Studies: Analysis and Synthesis. Volume 231. Springer Nature, Switzerland.
Arbellay, E., L.D. Daniels, S.D. Mansfield and A.S. Chang. (2017). Cambial injury in lodgpole pine (Pinus contorta): mountain pine beetle versus fire. Tree Physiology 37:1611-1621
Daniels. L.D., R.L. Sherriff, L. Yocom-Kent and E.H. Heyerdahl (2017). Deciphering the complexity of historical fire regimes: Diversity among forests of western North America. Pp. 185-210 in Dendroecology: Tree-ring Analyses Applied to Ecological Studies Springer Life Sciences Series
Amoroso, M.M., M. Rodríguez-Catón, R. Villalba, and L.D. Daniels. (2017). Forest decline in northern Patagonia: the role of climatic variability Pp. 325-344 in Dendroecology: Tree-ring Analyses Applied to Ecological Studies Springer Life Sciences Series
Greene G.A. and L.D. Daniels (2017). Spatial interpolation and mean fire interval analyses quantify metrics of historical mixed-severity fire regimes International Journal of Wildland Fire 26: 138-147
Daniels, L.D., R.W. Gray and D. Bowman (2017). We created B.C.’s wildfire problem – and we can fix it Globe and Mail (Invited OpEd)
Comeau, V. and L.D. Daniels (2017). Is climate causing yellow-cedar decline on Haida Gwaii? (update) Report to British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Nanaimo, BC. March 2017. 15p.
Daniels, L.D., R.W. Gray, B. Brett, P.D. Pickell, M.F.J. Pisaric, R.D. Chavardès, G.A. Greene, M.H. Marcoux and V. Comeau. (2017). Disturbance regimes in the maritime to submaritime forests of the south coast of British Columbia: Status of knowledge and understanding Report to the British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Victoria, BC. March 2017. 98p.
Amoroso, M.M., P.J. Baker L.D. Daniels and J.J. Camerero, (2017). Preface. Pp. ix-xii in Dendroecology: Tree-ring Analyses Applied to Ecological Studies. Springer, Ecological Studies: Analysis and Synthesis. Volume 231. Springer Nature, Switzerland.
Daniels, L.D., V. Luu3, A. Carroll. (2017). Direct and indirect effects of wildfire on a Douglas-fir forest: a case study of the 2013 Knife Creek Wildfire. Technical Report to the Alex Fraser Research Forests, Williams Lake, BC. September 2017. 36p.
Amoroso, M.M., P.J. Baker L.D. Daniels and J.J. Camerero (2017). Introduction. Pp. 1-12 in Dendroecology: Tree-ring Analyses Applied to Ecological Studies. Springer, Ecological Studies: Analysis and Synthesis. Volume 231. Springer Nature, Switzerland.
Daniels, L.D., R.W. Gray and P.J. Burton (2017). 2017 Megafires in BC - Urgent Need to Adapt and Improve Resilience to Wildfire White Paper Submitted to the Government of BC and BC Flood and Wildire Review
L.D. Daniels (2017). Wildfire 2017 Branchlines 28(3): 12-13
Chavardes, R.D. and L.D. Daniels (2016). Altered mixed-severity fire regime has homogenized montane forests of Jasper National Park International Journal of Wildland Fire 25: 433-444
Daniels, L.D., K. Peterson, B. Eskelson and V. Woodruff (2016). Wildfire effects and post-fire dynamics in coastal forests of British Columbia Report to Ecofish Research Ltd., Squamish, BC and NSERC-Engage, Ottawa, ON
Tomscha SA, Sutherland I, Renard D, Gergel SE, Rhemtulla JR, Bennett EM, Daniels LD, Eddy IMS and E Clark (2016). A Guide to Historical Data Sets for Reconstructing Ecosystem Service Change over Time Bioscience 66 (9):747-762
Daniels, L.D and J. Liu. (2016). Age of spruce seedlings from Kluane National Park Report to Yukon Field Unit, Parks Canada Agency. 4p.
Daniels, L.D., V. Comeau and G. Knochenmus. (2016). Is climate causing yellow-cedar decline on Haida Gwaii? Report on the NSERC Engage collaboration between UBC and Taan Forest. December 2016. 21p.
Wong, C.M. and L.D. Daniels (2016). Novel forest decline triggered by multiple interactions among climate, an introduced pathogen and bark beetles Global Change Biology 23: 1926-1941
Marcoux, H.M., L.D. Daniels, S.E. Gergel, E.D. Silva, Z.M. Gedalof and P.F. Hessburg (2015). Differentiating mixed- and high-severity fire regimes in mixed-conifer forests of the Canadian Cordillera Forest Ecology and Management 341, 1 April 2015, Pages 45–58
Daniels, L.D., T. Jackman, I. Jarvis and X. Xu (2015). Analysis of western redcedar growth in a plantation Report to the BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations. Cowichan Lake Research Station and the Michael Smith Laboratory, UBC, Vancouver. June 2015. 6p.
Chavardes, R.D. and L.D. Daniels (2015). Wildfire Legacies in Jasper National Park. Banchlines 26(1):18-19
Arnett, J.T.T., N.C. Coops, L.D. Daniels, and R.W. Falls. (2015). Detecting Forest Damage after a Low-Severity Fire using Remote Sensing at Multiple Scales International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 35: 239–246. doi:10.1016/j.jag.2014.09.013
Axelson. J.N., D.J. Smith, L.D. Daniels and R.I. Alfaro. (2015). Multicentury reconstruction of western spruce budworm outbreaks in central British Columbia, Canada. Forest Ecology and Management 335:235-248
Daniels, L.D.and J. Liu (2015). Effects of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation on yellow-cedar growth and mortality Report to the BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations. Nanaimo BC. July 2015. 25p.
Amoroso, M.M., L.D. Daniels, R. Villalba and P. Cherubini (2015). Does drought incite decline and death of Austrocedrus chilensis forests? Journal of Vegetation Science 26: 1171-1183
Daniels, L.D., H. Erasmus, B. Forge, G.A. Greene and S. Lavallee. (2014). Monitoring fire intensity and severity: 2013 prescribed burn at the Westside Unit, Vaseux-Bighorn National Wildlife Area Report to the Canadian Wildlife Service, Delta, BC. October 2014. 28p.
Bataineh, M.M. and L.D. Daniels (2014). An objective classification of largewood in streams. Forest Ecology and Management 313:1-9.
Lori Daniels and Suzie Lavallee (2014). Better safe than sorry: Planning for safe and successful fieldwork Ecological Society of America Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America
Greene, G.A., O.Villemaire-Côté and L.D. Daniels. (2014). Climate change, wildfire and landscape homogenization in western Canada: 2014 Report Report to the Rocky Mountain Trench Society, Cranbrook, BC. March 2014. 13pp.
Maertens, T.B., L.D. Daniels, Z. Gedalof. (2014). Late-winter climate dynamics and extreme weather in stands of declining yellow-cypress. Report to the BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations. Report to the BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations. Nanaimo, BC. 15pp.
Stan, A.B. and L.D. Daniels. (2014). Growth releases across a natural canopy gap-forest gradient in old-growth forests Forest Ecology and Management 313:98-103
L.D. Daniels and A. Dobko. (2013). CSI – Cedar Science Investigations Branchlines 24(3):12-13
Daniels, L.D., Z. Gedalof, M.F.J. Pisaric, K.A. Moser, V. Stretch, C. Colin Mustaphi3, R. Chavardes, T. Dinh, E. Davis and H. Marcoux. (2013). Climate change, wildfire and landscape homogenization in western Canada: Research update Report to Foothills Research Institute, Hinton Wood Products and Alberta Newsprint Company. Hinton, AB. 18pp.
Marcoux, H., Gergel, S.E., and L.D. Daniels (2013). Mixed-severity fire regimes: How well are they represented by existing fire-regime classification systems? Canadian Journal of Forest Research. Volume: 43 Issue: 7 Pages: 658-668 Published: JUL 2013
Chavardes, R.D., Daniels, L.D., Waeber, P.O., Innes, J.L., and Nitschke, C.R. (2013). Unstable climate-growth relations for white spruce in southwest Yukon, Canada Climatic Change 116: 593-611.
Amoroso, M.M., L.D. Daniels and B.C. Larson (2012). Radial growth decline in Austrocedrus chilensis forests in Northern Patagonia. Forest Ecology and Management 265: 62-70.
Amoroso, M.M., M.L. Suarez, and L.D. Daniels (2012). Nothofagus dombeyi regeneration in declining Austrocedrus chilensis forests: effects of overstory mortality and climatic events Dendrochonologia 30: 105-112.
Daniels, L.D. and H. Erasmus (2012). Wildfire Management: Challenges in a changing environment Branchlines, Faculty of Forestry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
Jones, E.L. and L.D. Daniels (2012). Assessment of dendrochronological year-of-death estimates using permanent sample plot data Tree Ring Research 68: 3-16.
Chavardès, R.D., Daniels, L.D., Waeber, P.O., Innes, J.L. and Nitschke, C.R. (2012). Did the 1976-77 switch in the Pacific Decadal Oscillation make white spruce in the southwest Yukon more susceptible to spruce bark beetle? The Forestry Chronicle 88: 513-518
Thorpe, H.C. and L.D. Daniels (2012). Long-term trends in tree mortality rates in the Alberta foothills driven by stand development Canadian Journal of Forest Research 42: 1687-1696. (Editor's Choice Award)
Daniels, L.D. (2012). Ages of selected whitebark pine and limber pine growing in Waterton Lakes National Park. Report to Parks Canada Agency. March 2012. 21p.
Daniels, L.D. and Z. Gedalof (2012). Mixed-severity fire regimes in the dry forests of British Columbia: historical reconstructions using tree-ring evidence. Report to Ecosystem Restoration, Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Victoria, BC. March 2012. 21p.
Daniels, L.D. Z. Gedlaof, M.F.J. Pisaric, C.J., Courtney Mustaphi, E. DaSilva, H. Marcoux, V. Mather, J. Nesbitt, E. Paul-Limoges, Jl. Perrault, C. Steele. (2011). Historic climate-fire-vegetation interactions of the west versus east Kootenays: implications of climate change and fire suppression Report to Tembec Industries, R.W. Consulting Inc., B.A. Blackwell and Associates, BC Ministry of Natural Resource Opersionas, and BC Parks. July 2011. 33p.
Soverel, N.O., Coops, N.C., Perrakis, D.B., Daniels, L., & Gergel, S. (2011). The transferability of a dNBR derived model to predict burn severity across ten wildland fires in Western Canada. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 20: 1 - 14
Maertens, T.B., Stan, A.B., C. Wootnon, L.D. Daniels, B. Klinkenberg, and S. Zeglan (2011). Investigative pathology: spatial and temporal patterns of Nootka cypress decline in British Columbia Proceedings of the Annual WIFDWC Meeting, Leavenworth, WA, October 2011.
McLane, S.C., Daniels, L.D., and S.N. Aitken (2011). Climate impacts on lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) radial growth in a provenance experiment Forest Ecology and Management 262: 115-123.
Amoroso, M.M., L.D. Daniels, M. Bataineh and D.W. Andison (2011). Evidence of mixed severity fire in the Foothills of the Rocky Mountains of west-central Alberta, Canada Forest Ecology and Management 262: 2240-2249.
Daniels, L.D., T.B. Maertens, A.B. Stan, S.P.J. McCloskey, J.D. Cochrane and R.W. Gray (2011). Direct and indirect impacts of climate change on forests: three case studies from British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 33:108-116.
Malanson, G.P., L.M. Resler, M.Y. Bader, F.K. Holtmeier, D.R. Butler, D.J. Weiss, L.D. Daniels, D.B. Fagre (2011). Mountain treelines: a roadmap for research orientation Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 43: 167-177.