Dr. Gregory Greene
Wildfire Resilience and Fuel Treatment Efficacy/Effectiveness in Dry Forests of British Columbia
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I have managed GIS projects in the fields of fire management, forestry and archaeology over the past 16 years, while simultaneously obtaining degrees in Fire Ecology (PhD, MSc), GIS (BSc), Interdisciplinary GIS Applications (Minor) and Anthropology (Minor). I have developed novel GIS methods for mapping historical mixed-severity fires, and modeling surface fire behavior to assess fuel treatment efficacy. I specialize in developing GIS software for a broad range of applications, and applying GIS and dendrochronological methods to assess the impacts of climate change and forest management practices on ecosystem resilience.
As a post-doctoral fellow in the Tree-Ring Lab at UBC, I am assessing fuel treatment efficacy and effectiveness in community forests and WUI areas throughout British Columbia, Canada.
Specialties: Disturbance & Landscape Ecology, Dendrochronology, Wildfire Modeling, GIS application development (Python), Project development, Work-flow analysis, GIS database management